Monday, May 12, 2014

Cardiac Fondue

Today, I'm revamping my blog.  I really have no idea what I'm doing, but I though I would start somewhere.  I got the idea for the new title "Cardiac Fondue" from something I said to my sweet husband when trying to be poetic in telling him that he melts my heart- cardiac fondue!  :)  About a year ago, I got the chance to replace a girl that was unable to go on tour with the choir last minute, and it was an AMAZING experience.  New Zealand for a week from Auckland to Wellington then Brisbane, Australia for a week.  Concerts were a pleasure to perform in and talk with audience members who knew my parents.  So much love and family connections, as well as sharing the spirit of love and a feeling of a worldwide family.  I also started really thinking differently about a friend of mine, who is now my husband.  We have been friends for over 4 years, and then all of a sudden I saw a possibility of something more.  We tried one date and haven't been apart since.  We are now expecting our first baby.  Life is crazy sometimes.  We get to live a BEAUTIFUL place and we have a beautiful life.  I hope I can practice my writing and send "warm fuzzies" out into the universe for someone to find and brighten up their day.  Aloha, folks and here we go!